Converts a given hex color, optionally lead by a '#', into an RGB tuple.
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Loads the memory dump, extracts the character set saves its display and shows it.
Parameters: |
- --file/-f <FILE>: the memory dump to load
- --output/-o <FILE>: the name of the file to write the character set to
- --address/-a <INT>: the address to extract the character set from
- --number/-n <INT>: the number of characters to extract
- --pattern/-p <PATTERN>: pattern of multi-char character sets
- --width/-w <INT>: the width of the image to generate to build
- --divider/-d <INT>: the height of a divider space between the lines
- --inverse/-i: invert the characters
- --background/-b <COLOR>: set the background color, default: #000000
- --foreground/-c <COLOR>: set the foreground color, default: #ffffff
- --multicolor1/-1 <COLOR>: set the multi color 1, default: #c0c0c0
- --multicolor2/-2 <COLOR>: set the multi color 2, default: #808080
- --multicolor/-m: use multicolor mode
- --quiet/-q: do not show a window, just write the image