

Bases: object

A plain pygame window. Nothing special about it.

__init__(w, h, title='c64 draw')

Generates and shows a pygame window.

  • w (int) –

    window width

  • h (int) –

    window height


Processes the pygame window events.

Should be called in a loop to process the occuring events. Sets the flag to False when being closed.


The representation of a c64 memory.



Assigns the given data. If no data is given, the data (memory) is initialiased with zeros.

  • data (List[int], default: None ) –

    The memory data (should be 65536 bytes long)


Loads the given files as a memory dump.

Reads the first two bytes as destination (starting address). Reads the reminder starting at this address, the rest of the memory is filled with zeros.

Loading assures that the memory is complete (is 65536 bytes long)

  • fileName (str) –

    The file to load

TODO: check destination byte order (not spent a thought on it)

drawAt(surface, x, y, cols, fgColor=(255, 255, 255, 255), bgColor=(0, 0, 0, 255))

Draws this memory at the given surface and the given position.

  • surface (pygame surface) –

    The surface to draw this memory to

  • x (int) –

    x-offset for drawing

  • y (int) –

    y-offset for drawing

  • cols (int) –

    the number of (character) columns

  • fgColor (Tuple[int, int, int, int], default: (255, 255, 255, 255) ) –

    foreground color given as a tuple of four integers (rgba), may be None

  • bgColor (Tuple[int, int, int, int], default: (0, 0, 0, 255) ) –

    background color given as a tuple of four integers (rgba), may be None


Returns the eight bytes at the given address as a char

  • addr (int) –

    The address to read the bytes from

  • Char

    The character built from the bytes at the given address


The representation of a c64 bitmap.



Assigns the given data. If no data is given, the data (bitmap) is initialiased with zeros.

  • data (List[int], default: None ) –

    The bitmap data

charAt(col, row)

Returns the Char representation of the character at the given position.

  • col (int) –

    The column (in characters) to read the char from

  • row (int) –

    The row (in characters) to read the char from

  • Char

    The character built from the bytes at the given column and row

drawAt(surface, x, y, fgColor=(255, 255, 255, 255), bgColor=(0, 0, 0, 255))

Draws this bitmap at the given surface and the given position.

  • surface (pygame surface) –

    The surface to draw this memory to

  • x (int) –

    x-offset for drawing

  • y (int) –

    y-offset for drawing

  • fgColor (Tuple[int, int, int, int], default: (255, 255, 255, 255) ) –

    foreground color given as a tuple of four integers (rgba), may be None

  • bgColor (Tuple[int, int, int, int], default: (0, 0, 0, 255) ) –

    background color given as a tuple of four integers (rgba), may be None

fromSurface(surface, x, y)

Generates the Bitmap from the given surface, starting at the given position.

Please note that only white pixels are assumed to be set

  • surface (pygame surface) –

    The surface to extract the bitmap from

  • x (int) –

    x-offset for reading

  • y (int) –

    y-offset for reading

fromC64Screen(screen, chars)

Fills the bitmap using the given screen and character set information

  • screen (Screen instance) –

    The screen to use

  • chars (List[Char]) –

    The character set to use


A single c64 character


Constructor, allocates memory.

Assigns the given data. If no data is given, the data (character) is initialiased with zeros.

  • data (Tuple[int * 8], default: None ) –

    The character data (should be 8 bytes long)

drawAt(surface, x, y, fgColor=(255, 255, 255, 255), bgColor=(0, 0, 0, 255))

Draws this character (in hires) at the given surface and the given position.

  • surface (pygame surface) –

    The surface to draw this memory to

  • x (int) –

    x-offset for drawing

  • y (int) –

    y-offset for drawing

  • fgColor (Tuple[int, int, int, int], default: (255, 255, 255, 255) ) –

    foreground color given as a tuple of four integers (rgba), may be None

  • bgColor (Tuple[int, int, int, int], default: (0, 0, 0, 255) ) –

    background color given as a tuple of four integers (rgba), may be None

drawMulticolorAt(surface, x, y, fgColor=(255, 255, 255, 255), bgColor=(0, 0, 0, 255), multi1Color=(192, 192, 192, 255), multi2Color=(128, 128, 128, 255))

Draws this character in multicolor at the given surface and the given position.

  • surface (pygame surface) –

    The surface to draw this memory to

  • x (int) –

    x-offset for drawing

  • y (int) –

    y-offset for drawing

  • fgColor (Tuple[int, int, int, int], default: (255, 255, 255, 255) ) –

    foreground color given as a tuple of four integers (rgba), may be None

  • bgColor (Tuple[int, int, int, int], default: (0, 0, 0, 255) ) –

    background color given as a tuple of four integers (rgba), may be None

  • multi1Color (Tuple[int, int, int, int], default: (192, 192, 192, 255) ) –

    multi1 color given as a tuple of four integers (rgba), may be None

  • multi2Color (Tuple[int, int, int, int], default: (128, 128, 128, 255) ) –

    multi2 color given as a tuple of four integers (rgba), may be None


Returns whether the given character is same as this one.

  • c (int) –

    The character to compare this character to

  • bool

    Whether the given character is same as self


Writes this character to a file.

  • f (file descriptor) –

    The file to write this character to


Inverses this character.


The representation of a c64 screen


Constructor, allocates memory.

Assigns the given data. If no data is given, the data (screen) is initialiased with zeros.

  • data (int array, default: None ) –

    The screen data (should be 1000 bytes long)

charAt(col, row)

Returns the caracter at the given position

  • col (int) –

    The column to get the character from

  • row (int) –

    The row to get the character from

  • int

    The character at the given row and column

setCharAt(col, row, char)

Sets the given character at the given position

  • col (int) –

    The column to set the character at

  • row (int) –

    The row to set the character at

  • char (int) –

    The character to set


Opens a file for writing.

  • fileName (string) –

    The name of the file to open for writing

  • file

    The flle opened for binary writing

saveChars(fileName, pos, chars)

Saves the given characters.

  • fileName (string) –

    The name of the file to write the given characters to

  • pos (int) –


  • chars (Char[]) ) –

    The characters to save

TODO: remove the pos-parameter

writeByte(f, b)

Writes the given byte as a one-byte-bytearray.

  • f (file descriptor) –

    The file to write the byte to

  • b (int) –

    The byte to write

writeBytes(f, bs)

Writes the given array as a bytearray.

  • f (file descriptor) –

    The file to write the bytes to

  • bs (int[]) –

    The bytes to write